Thursday, June 14, 2012

United Kingdom: London

Palace of Westminster – Houses of Parliament. Since 1512 the Palace has been the seat of two Houses called "The Lords" and "The Commons" (M.P.'s). Big Ben is the name given to the great bell in the clock tower. The light at the top of the tower in "ON" when Parliament is sitting in session. During the day the signal is by flying the "Union Flag".

Sent by my travelling friend from the UK. Thanks, Angie!


  1. Я сейчас от зависти помру... Она там в кругосветном путешествии что ли?!! ))))

    1. Рекламная пауза: получайте гражданство Канады и езжайте куда хотите :)

      А вообще, она в Лондоне просто пересадку делала :)
